In an era when comedy films are becoming increasingly rare, thbe prestigious GA2 Pictures banner is set to deliver a festival of laughter with 'AAY', designed for the whole family to enjoy together. Energetic hero Narne Nithiin and Nayan Sarika star in the lead roles, while Anji K. Maniputhra directs the film. Presented by ace producer Allu Arvind and produced by the talented young producers Bunny Vas and Vidya Koppineedi, this fun entertainer's trailer was released on August 15 in Pithapuram. The trailer launch event was attended by actor Narne Nithiin, Nayan Sarika, producer Bunny Vas, director Anji K. Maniputhra, co-producer Balu, TDP leader Verma, AP Telugu Rythu president Marreddy Srinivas, and others.
At the event, former MLA Verma remarked, "Narne Nithiin is Jr. NTR's brother-in-law and stars as the hero in 'AAY'. Bunny Vas has already produced more than ten movies, and with 'AAY', we hope for another major success. The film features natural shooting and contains elements of both glitter and revenge. I'm confident that 'AAY' will be a tremendous success."
AP Telugu Rythu president Marreddy Srinivas added, "Despite his busy schedule in films, Mr. Bunny Vas is actively involved in politics, having served as a Chief Election Agent. For the 'AAY' film, which was shot in the Godavari district, we hope for great success. Nithiin and Nayan performed exceptionally well. I wish 'AAY' significant financial success for Bunny Vas. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew."
Producer Bunny Vas stated, “‘AAY' is truly a movie that represents the Godavari districts. I guarantee that you will leave the theater with sore cheeks and a stomach ache from laughing. We took a new initiative by organizing a film event in Pithapuram, and I believe this will inspire more people to follow suit in the future. I wasn't familiar with Ram Miryala garu are from Pithapuram until I met him in connection with this movie. He mentioned that he has composed another song along with the song 'Ranganayaki,' which is also associated with this region.”
Heroine Nayan Sarika said, “Even though I’m not originally from Telugu-speaking regions, working with the thAY' team has made me feel like a Telugu girl. Talking about the movie, in the Godavari districts, people use ‘AAY’ to express all kinds of emotions. This film captures all those emotions. Our team promises that you will definitely enjoy it.”
Actor Ankith Koyya remarked, “Today, Pithapuram has garnered attention akin to a national capital. The people here have fulfilled many wishes. I appreciate everyone’s support. When Bunny Vas launched the trailer in Pithapuram, it felt electrifying. The energy from the audience here will translate into blessings for our movie, and I hope this will be reflected in its box office success.”
Director Anji K. Maniputhra said, “If the trailer of 'AAY' made you laugh, you can expect the entire movie to be just as enjoyable. We portrayed small emotions within our smiles. Producer Bunny Vas provided tremendous support, and Ram Miryala garu’s compositions for the songs 'Ranganayaki' and 'Sufiyana' received excellent response. Ajay Arasada has also delivered a fantastic background score. I extend my thanks to co-producers Riyaz and Bhanu Pratapa, Vidya Koppineedi garu, one of the producers, and Allu Aravind, the presenter of the film.”
Co-producer Bhanu Pratapa added, “The name Pithapuram carries its own strength, and you have added even more power to it. I hope all of you will continue to lend yourn support to this movie.”
Hero Narne Nithiin said, “I believe everyone will enjoy the trailer of ‘AAY'. Our director put us through quite a lot—making us climb trees and throw us in the mud. I might get back at him for that! I hope you will show your appreciation for our hard work by making the film a success. The positive response to the teaser, trailer, and songs is due to our director and producers. Without Ankith and Kasireddy, this movie would not have been possible. They worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and I am grateful to them. Despite Nayan Sarika not being a Telugu native, she has truly impressed us. I encourage everyone to watch the movie and support it.”
Rajkumar Kasireddy stated, “I am confident that everyone will enjoy the trailer of ‘AAY’. No one will be able to stay seated in the theater; they’ll be laughing uncontrollably. I can guarantee that, don’t miss the movie, which releases on August 15.”