'Kalinga', starring and directed by Dhruva Vaayu, is produced by Deepthi Kondaveeti and Pruthivi Yadav of Big Hit Productions. The mystical thriller...
'35 Chinna Katha Kaadu', brought out by Suresh Productions, S Originals, and Waltair Productions, hit the screens today (September 6).
'Demonte Colony 2', directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu, hits the screens today (August 23) in Telugu. Mythri Movie Makers has released it in Nizam.
'Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam', presented by Thabitha Sukumar and released by Mythri Movie Makers, hits the screens this Friday (August 23).
Subramanyam (Rao...
'Thangalaan' is produced by KE Gnanavelraja of Studio Green. Since it is directed by Pa.Ranjith of 'Kabali' fame, the audience must enter the cinema...
'Double iSmart' is director Puri Jagannadh's latest release. Is it a worthy sequel to 'Ismart Shankar'? Let's find out in our review.
Shankar (Ram) is a...