Kannada actor 'Baadshah' Kichcha Sudeep is doing a pan-Indian movie with his 'Vikrant Rona' director Anup Bhandari for a title to be produced by K Niranjan Reddy and Chaithanya Reddy of Primeshow Entertainment. 'Billa Ranga Baasha' is its title. Its official logo was unveiled today marking the birthday of the hero.
Director Anup Bhandari said, "When I narrated the premise of 'Billa Ranga Baasha' to producer Niranjan Reddy, he was thrilled. He wanted to mount his next project after 'HanuMan' on a big scale. Working with Sudeep sir is always a great experience. People loved 'Vikrant Rona' and I am sure they will love this even more."
'Billa Ranga Baasha' will be produced in all major Indian languages and will be heading to shoot very soon.
There will be a lot of world-building and intrigue involved in the story. It seems the film is a futuristic fantasy thriller with loads of entertainment. Set in the year 2209 AD, 'Billa Ranga Baasha' might also involve elements of magical realism.