'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack', the Netflix Original, is a Hindi-language crime thriller drama directed by Anubhav Sinha. The series has come under the radar of the Narendra Modi government.
As per a news agency report, the Content Head of Netflix India has been summoned by the Centre in the wake of allegations that the series whitewashes the role of the Taliban and the ISI in the infamous hijack of 1999 that left India's stature wounded.
The BJP is upping the ante against Netflix. "The hijackers of IC-814 were dreaded terrorists, who acquired aliases to hide their Muslim identities. Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha has legitimised their criminal intent by furthering their non-Muslim names. Decades later, people will think Hindus hijacked IC-814. Left’s agenda to whitewash the crimes of Pakistani terrorists, all Muslims, served. This is the power of cinema, which the Communists have been using aggressively, since the 1970s," wrote Amit Malviya of the BJP.
If the report that the Head of Netflix India has been summoned is true, the streaming giant might be forced to issue a disclaimer in the near future.