'Parakramam' is directed by Bandi Saroj Kumar. He is the hero of the movie and has produced it under the banner of BSK Mainstream. Sruthi Samanvi, Naga Lakshmi, Mohan Senapati, Nikhil Gopu and Anil Kumar are also playing the lead roles. The film has completed its shooting and is ready for a grand release on August 22nd.
Days after the film's superb Teaser was released, a song from it was dropped today. Bandi Saroj Kumar beautifully composed the lyrics of the 'Dream' song. Sri Vaishnavi Goparaju sang it so well. The song, with its profound lines, evokes a strong feeling of love, as if a girl is expressing her first love's emotions in her mind.
Bandi Saroj has crafted the movie with a blend of love, action, emotion, and entertainment to appeal to a wide audience. He carved a niche with 'Nirbandham 1 & 2' and 'Mangalyaam', which amassed millions of views on YouTube. 'Parakramam' marks his foray into cinema.
Bandi Saroj Kumar, Shruti Samanvi, Naga Lakshmi, Mohan Senapaty, Nikhil Gopu, Anil Kumar, Shashank, Vamsiraj, Rakhi Abhinaya & others
Banner: BSK Mainstream
Story, Screenplay, Dialogues, Editor, Music, Lyricist, Producer, Director: Bandi Saroj Kumar
Director of Photography: Venkat R Prasad
Sound Design and Aufiography: Kali SR Ashok
Colorist: Raghunath Varma
Art: Phani Musi
Fights: Ramu Perumalla
Dance: Ravi Sri
Publicity Design: Lucky Designs
PRO: Paul Pavan