
It is known news that BJP's Telangana head Bandi Sanjay has hit the headlines not because of his antics but because of his son's activities. The video of his son Sai Bhagirath bashing up a boy named Sriram has gone viral. Many have responded regarding this and condemned the whole incident.

Now, the boy who got hit has come up with a video stating this is an old incident which happened two months ago. He added "All of us are friends. Yes, there was an issue which happened then but all of us are good, there is no reason why is everyone making a fuss. This is a useless video and it is only useful to create a rift between us and blackmail us. Truth is, I was pestering Bhagirath's friend's sister to love me and I had disturbed her at odd hours regarding this. When Bhagirath questioned me about it, I spoke rudely and it led to all the commotion. Anyhow, all that is sorted and we are now friends and we are also batch mates. So, there is no reason why this old video has been brought out, it is a waste."

While Sriram gave his clarification, what surprised many is the stand Bandi Sanjay took. He said "Kids tend to have their own tiffs, why is it being made into a huge political controversy and a game, if anyone has the guts, play those political games with me."

Those who heard this are giving their two cents of wisdom to Bandi Sanjay. They say "Instead of throwing all these challenges, since the boys have already patched up, if only Sanjay could have made Sriram to come up with a video and say that all this is nonsense and they were just rehearsing for a skit, the whole issue would have got diffused. Instead, he is adding more fuel to the issue. This is something Bandi Sanjay could not think of, which shows his lack of political intelligence."

In recent times, the lack of political sharpness was becoming a discussion among the Saffron high command and there were also reports that Bandi Sanjay might be relocated to another post while his place would be given to Etela Rajendar. With this incident about his son and the way Bandi Sanjay has handled it, there seems to be a good chance that even this shift can take place.

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